Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday is a powerful book. As a fan of author Danielle Bean's writing, I expected it to be touching and true, but it far exceeded my expectations.
Danielle is a master of finding God in the ordinary, whether it is in a stranger's face or a strawberry's flavor. She is, as she aspires to be, an everyday mystic, and she offers sound advice for those of us who are struggling along the path toward holiness.
Danielle excels at a clever turn of phrase, as this passage clearly indicates:
"With the help of thy grace. I do all things with the help of his grace. In the midst of life's busyness, though, I can forget that. Instead of relying on God's grace, I believe lies. I believe that I am in control, that I can do all the things, and that everything and everyone is counting on me and me alone."
Portions of the book are just breathtakingly beautiful, as this section illustrates:
"My lungs fill with fresh, cold air, in and then out again, and I know each breath as a gift from God. My heart pounds in my chest, and I know each heartbeat originates in God's will alone. He wills it, he thinks it, he loves, and I am. Thanks be to God, I am."
Thanks be to God for writer Danielle Bean, who uses her tremendous gift to draw us closer to God.
I'm looking forward to reading this! I enjoy Danielle's books.