Every so often, a book for young readers comes along which teaches profound truths with simplicity and grace.
Puffel by Sister Gianna Casino is just such a book.
The title character is entranced by the exploits of his penguin pals. He is so impressed, in fact, that he wants to be one of them.
However, with the help of his family, Puffel is able to grasp an important concept: He is special, just the way he is.
At a time when so many of our young people struggle with self-acceptance, this book conveys the beautiful truth that each of us is wondrously made. In Puffel, children may see a reflection of themselves--and the significance of learning to love and respect oneself.
The book is so skillfully illustrated, I envision young readers returning to it again and again for comfort and consolation.
Looks so cute and colorful! Thanks for linking to An Open Book.
Maria, so touched by your simple, beautiful words on this book review! You have definitely made an impact on my writing journey as well! In JMJ, Sr.