Acclaimed journalist Peggy Stanton, who gained national attention as the first female news correspondent for ABC-TV, has created a most handy reference with her new book, The Order of Malta Minutes with the Catechism. This Pocket Guide to the Catechism of the Catholic Church is filled with wisdom that is delivered in easily digestible nuggets for readers with limited time.
Based on a show she hosted on Ave Maria Radio, this book genuinely piques the reader's interest in the teachings of the Catholic Church. It is a devotional which lends itself to rich meditation--particularly before the Blessed Sacrament in Adoration.
I personally found the section on prayer to be the most helpful. For instance, in a passage entitled "A Cloud of Witnesses," Stanton points out that our loved ones who have made it to heaven "contemplate God, praise Him, and 'constantly care for those whom they have left on earth,' " according to the Catechism. This is a comforting thought--that our grandparents, parents, and others who have left earthly life behind still care for us with an abiding love.
If you would like to learn more about Catholic teaching, The Order of Malta Minutes with the Catechism may be just the resource you're searching for.